Unique Workshop
Presenter: Stefan Collier
Organized by BOAF-EASO and hosted at Scott Eye Care, Oswego - IL - USA
Global approach that Integrates assessment and treatment.
This is the workshop that you have been waiting for.
Cheiroscopic tracing, VO star, VT-Procedures,
Light filters and trigger points around the orbit,
Syntonics Applications on the TBI, Learning related difficulty, Strabismus,
Bringyour cases for discussion.
Participants will learn procedures to be applied immediately in your office.
For more information Contact Drs Ronald Weingart or Chula Lerdvoratavee:
- eMail: scotteyecare@sbcglobal.net
- Tel.: +1 (630) 844-0908
Flyer & Registration
SYntonac International LLC will be present at this event.