SYntonac International LLC will be present at this event.
2 Unique VT Seminars/Workshops
Flyer Link --->
Presenter: Stefan Collier
Organized by BOAF-EASO and hosted at Scott Eye Care, Oswego - IL - USA
March 29, 2019
Seminar 1 ”Syntonics for Newbies“
This seminar is a one-day fast track seminar (scheduled on the Friday before the seminar) that will provide a solid introduction into the Foundation & Principles & Basic Underlying Components of Functional Syntonic Optometry (FSO).
This Seminar is ideal for newcomers who want to get started with FSO or those who feel that they need a refresher course.
Registration Link —->
March 30-31, 2019
Seminar 2 ”Balancing the visual system via Local-Focal light application“
A two day seminar that will explore the basic underlying components helping to rebuild the structure in the injured and/or unbalanced visual system and different Vision disorders via Local-Focal Optometric Light Application.
This will lead to treatment plans looking at how the patient can recover visual processing as related to the overall rehabilitative process. Case examples and demonstrations will be used to make this a clinically driven lecture.
Please bring along for the workshop your: Streak Retinoscope.