


Greetings and a warm welcome to our first issue of ”yoursyntonac“ Magazine ”Tips and Pearls“.

Just one year ago, September 2015, we launched the SYntonac International Online Store. Offering a quality line of products that allows Behavioral Syntonic Optometrists to use a variety of specific filters and frames to improve the therapeutic outcomes of their patients. We also also provided education for treatment protocols for each mode of therapy and continue to develop new items to serve the purpose on high standards. Already over 260 Optometrists worldwide are using our products on a daily basis. Because of all the positive feedback, interest in our products and the hunger to learn more about the SYntonac Light Application, we decided to create a SYntonac magazine for the Behavioral Syntonic Optometrist named ”Tips and Pearl”.

We are delighted that our venture has taken us to this new level. Please take some time to get to know the layout of our magazine. You will notice that there are 4 four categories of articles: Light Application, Life Experience, Product Info and At Events. Within each category, there are articles and accompanying information for you to enjoy.

You can look at one category at a time, or just peruse the articles on the home page at your choosing. Just as with a paper magazine, you may want to sit and read the whole thing at once, or come back to this issue several times to digest the articles more slowly.

When we set out to create an on-line magazine that would promote Behavioral Syntonic Optometry and Light Application, we all felt the importance of keeping the magazine simple and informational. What you will find in the pages of ”yoursyntonac - Tips and Pearls“ Magazine is a collection of inspired and instructive articles written by real practitioners sharing their techniques and therapeutic protocols.

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We appreciate your support and are so happy to have you as a reader of ”yoursyntonac-Tips and Pearls“ Magazine.

With warmest thanks,
Chula, Vasana and Ronald, Editors



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